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The shipping industry continues to feel the impact of an ongoing freight recession that started in 2022 and that is expected to continue until at least the second half of 2024. In fact, in our 航运业状况报告2024,我们将其命名为我们正在关注的头号趋势.

在本指南中,我们来看看 货运衰退的原因, the challenges you will continue to face and the opportunities you can take advantage of. Most importantly, we provide you with tips on how to navigate it moving forward.


The freight recession is largely due to slower consumer spending after the COVID-19 pandemic ended. Because of this, 货运公司从2023年开始大幅削减运费,以吸引货主, while freight brokers started doing whatever they could to make up for reduced compensation. Additionally, thousands of carriers who didn't diversify their services started laying off employees last year or closing their doors altogether.

虽然这仍然是行业中每个人都关心的问题, 货运商们总算松了一口气. What was a carrier market for years with high demand and tight cargo capacity has turned into a shipper's market, 给企业更多的选择,以更便宜的价格.

Some analysts are forecasting that the economy will slightly improve by the second half of 2024. 但在形势逆转,利率上升之前, shippers can use tips from this guide and make the most of a difficult shipping situation.

1. 高供给,低需求

Like we have said, freight shipping has not rebounded and is not expected to do so until the second half of the year. 这意味着消费支出放缓, potentially erratic fuel prices and unsteady global markets all continue to take their toll on the freight shipping industry for both carriers and shippers. In fact, the demand for shipping still has not bounced back to pandemic levels and the supply of cargo space remains high in 2024. That simply means struggling freight carriers are more willing to negotiate shipping rates to keep current shippers loyal and gain more business.

What you can do

虽然减少购买量可能会让你的生意“不舒服”, 作为一个托运人,缓慢的经济可能对你有利. 您将受益于较低的即期汇率 需要拼车 运输和可以协商更好的合同价格 full truckload. You can turn those savings into an advantage for both you and your customers. 如果你的运营商已经停业了, 是卖掉了部分机队,还是对他们的服务不满意, 采取以下步骤寻找新的运营商:

  • 与第三方物流公司合作 that has a network of national, regional and local carriers willing to negotiate rates.
  • 比较多个运营商的价格. Some may be willing to negotiate better pricing if they know they're up against competition.
  • Research freight service options among various carriers to ensure they add value to your shipping.

2. 多种运输方式

Trucking companies aren't the only freight carriers that have been feeling the pinch since the recession started. There has been an abundance of empty cargo space for ocean freight, rail and air carriers, too. To save money, 一些航空公司开始减少他们接受的货物数量, 而其他人则破产了. The ones still in business have dropped their rates in response to decreasing freight shipping movement.

What you can do

Decreased pricing can make shippers more open to using different shipping modes — or mix and match their options. 如果货运公司正在减少他们的船队或完全关闭, you can turn to air, 海运或铁路都可以. In particular, 自从空运价格下降以来, you could use it to your advantage and offer faster shipping at a lower cost to attract new customers and reward current ones. Using multiple modes, 单独的,多模式的或多式联运的, 会是物流方面的挑战吗. However, 3PL experts can help you navigate the various methods of transporting your freight shipping to its destination.

3. 承运商选择状况

In previous years, 当时货运需求很高, shippers needing space for their freight had to earn "shipper of choice" status with their carriers. Tables have turned, 而且由于经济衰退,货舱需求仍然很低, 托运人现在有了优势. “托运人的选择”变成了“承运人的选择”." Shippers can set higher expectations for their carriers making them more willing to negotiate rates and offer more service options to keep and gain new business.

What you can do

Since carriers have been vying for loads since the beginning of the freight trucking recession, 你有更多的机会提出服务需求. 请记住,额外的服务仍然是有成本的. 但在托运人的市场上, freight carriers may be more willing to negotiate — especially with 3PL companies who can bring them steady business from their shipping clients. 考虑以下几点:

  • Delivery times. 更快的运输可以吸引更多的客户到你的业务. 如果你需要调整送货时间,可以和你的快递公司谈谈. If they can't help you, work with a 3PL company to find carriers that will.
  • White glove services. 利用这段时间为你的客户提供优质的服务, 比如内部交货, unpacking/assembly, 为贵重商品增加安全保障和保险.
  • Real-time tracking. 检查承运人的货物跟踪能力. Knowing when shipments will arrive can help with inventory control and fulfillment services. 你的客户也会喜欢收到及时的通知.
  • Accessorial fees. 航空公司可能会增加 accessorial fees 以弥补较低的利率. Your 3PL consultant can identify those costs and help you negotiate with the carriers.

4. 燃料价格上涨的成本

燃料价格不断波动 并且会不规律地影响你的运输成本. 事实上,柴油的价格每天都在波动,甚至每小时都在波动. Since the freight recession started, fuel prices have historically been elevated but as of 2024年1月出现了有希望的反弹. Regardless, there's no way to anticipate if the cost of diesel will go up or down. And with the unpredictability that we have seen since the freight recession began, 托运人应该寻找方法来解释潜在的增长.

What you can do

现在是评估你的运输策略的好时机. Here's a start:

  • 检查你的航线,以确定是否可以采取更直接的路线.
  • 当恶劣的天气条件或施工普遍, calculate if shipping around those areas can ultimately save time and fuel.
  • 安排好出货的时间,尽量减少或避免回程的空腿.
  • 将产品存放在离客户更近的仓库中.

Your 3PL expert can work through these scenarios with you to find the best options.

5. 顾客服务期望

Shippers work with freight brokers and 3PLs to access more carriers at discounted rates. During a freight recession, carriers with excess cargo space may lower their rates. 来弥补他们这边的差距, 一些货运经纪人可能会降低他们提供的服务质量.

What you can do

Meet with your broker to ensure that while carrier rates may be lower than pandemic levels the customer service your 3PL provides remains the same. 如果你发现他们的服务不是一流的(不管价格如何), 这可能是寻找其他合作机会的好时机.

在货运衰退中需要帮助? 十大菠菜台子 can help!

十大菠菜台子 has decades of experience in the logistics industry and helps thousands of shippers of all sizes move products with great efficiency. We are also part of WWEX Group此外还有环球快递(Worldwide Express)和Unishippers. Combined, these three companies make up one of the largest and most diverse 3PLs in the industry, providing shippers with top solutions and financial stability that helps them succeed. 通过我们全套的运输解决方案, 我们每年服务的货物超过4800万件, and have the resources and expertise to work with companies of all sizes in nearly every industry.

看看十大菠菜台子如何帮助您改变您的货运. 如果你准备好与专家交谈, 今天就开始免费咨询吧!